Monday, July 6, 2015

Let's Get This Started

It was suggested that I begin my blog, The Retro Rambler, by telling you about myself but I’ve found that I cannot. I can’t tell you who I am because I don’t quite know yet and that’s okay. I am 26 years old and still trying to find myself; I know 60 year olds that are too. I come from two very different types of people; I am half Hispanic on my mom’s side with a huge, loving, LOUD family. On the other hand, I am also half Middle America, not so loud, not so huge, white, but just as loving family on my dad’s side. They met in Denver while my mom was finishing up her degree. What brought them together was creativity and it’s a gift I feel they shared with me. As you can imagine, they come from two different worlds. My dad grew up on casseroles and Tolkein novels while my mom lived off beans, chile and dancing to Waylon Jennings. My dad’s side of the family is pretty reserved and my mom’s family is chaotic. Both sides of my family are polar opposites and I love them equally for that. I was luckily enough to come from two lines of creative souls, from painters to carpenters, graphic designers to quilters. They all taught me how to appreciate the beauty in aged architecture, retro fashion, modern lines and really good food! 

I have also been blessed with an opportunity to experience a variety of places and cultures. I lived in Ruidoso, New Mexico for most of my life which was immediate exposure to a large Hispanic culture, as well as a beautiful narrative of Native American traditions. Post-graduation I found myself living in 7 different states over a 5 year span, from the Southwest to the Northeast; not to mention the amazing places I got to explore in between. 

In addition to the family differences and cultural experiences, I have found that being a Millennial causes its own chasm. I remember the world before everyone owned a cell phone, when you had to watch the TV guide channel to know what was showing and your computer (if you were lucky enough to have one) came in a cow print box. However, I’m also part of the generation that catapulted technology. We are the front runners now. This leads to a lovely divide in most of us, myself included. We find ourselves homesteading to get back to our roots but we better be able to post pics of our hard work to Instagram! We battle between rustic design and chic Manhattan apartments. We want to MAKE things but damn, IKEA has some great stuff. We want a simple life but we’re not sure how to handle a life without a really yummy non-fat latte at every turn. 

I guess what I’m trying to say is that I don’t know who I am, you may not know who you are and that is fine! We’ll be on the adventure together. I want to show you what I know and teach you the things that I have learned. I want to show you where I’ve been and where I want to be. I may still be learning but I can tell you that art, writing, interior design, fashion and food will always be the places I find myself.


  1. What an awesome beginning. I can't wait to hear more about your journey!

  2. Thank you ladies! Love you both!

  3. Wowwww way to go SJ!!! ❤️❤️❤️👌🏻

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Well I was trying to give you a thumbs up, but it was just question marks.. Then I tried to delete it and it says removed like I was trying to hide something! Haha. Great start :)
