Wednesday, July 29, 2015

A Healthier Version of a Childhood Classic

As a child, certain things stick with you and end up tagging along throughout your life. It can be a song you learned when you were 8 and at 28 you can still sing every word; or a movie you watched when you were 6 still brings up the same feels it did back then (The Little Princess *sniff*). The same works for food. Your parents had no idea that by feeding you macaroni and cheese almost every day one summer, you would always associate it with Unsolved Mysteries... or that by cutting your hot dogs into bite size pieces, they'd forever ruin you for a street cart wiener. As a child my mom tried to feed us healthy. We would have have our well rounded meals every day but it was the 90's... there was no spotlight on "gluten-free," vegetarians mostly lived in Boulder and we begged for Squeeze-Its to be the primary drink of the home. Times were different... thoughts on health were different. So today I wanted to put a quick spotlight on my favorite food as a kid. My mom would have it waiting for me when I got home from school or would make it when I was feeling down. To this day it puts a smile on my face... the ever simple, peanut butter and jelly! But today I'm going to put a twist on it. I'm going to give you my current favorite version... a much healthier option (and more adult of course *cough*).

All you need is...

  • 2 slices of whole wheat bread... use your favorite!
  • 2 tablespoons of organic peanut butter (for a nice change, exchange peanut butter for cashew butter!)
  • 2 tablespoons of honey!
I'm sure you know the drill by now. Mix the honey in with the peanut butter and make sure to lick the spoon as you go! If you like yours a bit sweeter, add a bit more. If it's too sweet... well, we can't be friends, ha! Just kidding... just lessen the amount or add more peanut butter until you get the desired sweetness, Sweetheart! Now just slather it on the bread, slap em together and you've got yourself a healthier version! 

If you miss the fruity flavor of the jelly, a great homemade preserve would be a wonderful addition or substitute (hint: harvest time is just around the corner, stay tuned to get some great info on making your own jams and jellies!)

Let me know if you try it. I would love to hear what you guys think of this twist. 

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