Friday, August 28, 2015

Interview with singer/songwriter JJ WOOD!

I am thrilled about this weeks interview! I have had the pleasure of knowing this awesome guy for... oh geez, most of my life! I've had the amazing opportunity to have listened to his music grow over the years and I have been anticipating sharing his story! JJ's sound is chill, his voice smooth and he brings his great humor to everything he does. He's an outstanding talent and everyone needs to check it out!

JJ was born in Las Cruces, New Mexico but grew up in the small mountain town of Ruidoso, New Mexico. He played in a variety of places back home, coffee shops, bars, school talent shows and backyard house parties until he left for Oklahoma City in 2009. He's been on the move ever since, moving to New York City in 2014 where he played open mics, Irish pubs and anywhere else that would allow him to showcase his work. 
What inspired you to become a musician?
Since I can remember I've always had a song stuck in my head... when I was in the third grade my teacher was a blues musician who had us singing and stuff all the time. I met my best friend in that class who's dad is a well known musician around the area and he taught us our first chords on the guitar when we were about 12 or 13. We played in a couple bands throughout our school years as well as doing musical theatre, but after I graduated high school I realized I wanted to continue to pursue writing and performing my own music.

What musicians do you admire and why?
I admire so many but I would say Bob Marley for one... he has written timeless music that still continues to live today and just the type of person he was, what he did for the world through the message of his music was incredible. Brad Nowell from Sublime is one of my all time favorites... I've always loved their tunes and how they built their legacy. Also Johnny Polygon... his live shows are incredible and his songs will always pull me out of a funk and put me in a better mood. he also has a real cool way of being an independent artist and making moves without a major record label... and he treats his fans the best. Ed Sheeran as well, I love his voice and his songwriting. I would love to just chill and have a couple beers with him and talk about life, haha.

Can you please tell me about your musical journey so far? 
It's been a wild ride so far, haha... I'm constantly moving around and meeting cool and talented people that always inspire me to try new things and grow as an artist. I've gone from playing in small coffee shops and bars to 6 people, to playing in front of 5,000... opening up for bands that I frequently listen to, to playing in front of the New York State Senator and the mayor of New York.It's been wild and I never know what the next call is gonna bring but I'm always stoked to play anywhere and continue going through new life experiences that inspire me to write amazing songs. 

Any funny stories (that you're willing to share) that happened during this journey?
I was playing this show in New York and it was kinda slow and not many people were there so I stood outside and tried to get people to come in but everybody just thought I was trying to ask for money or something and just ignored me, so I started saying "Hey, I'm JJ from VH1." People would immediately stop and listen "We are trying an experiment and trying to get people to come to shows without using social media or anything and just hit the streets and talk to people like the old days... I'm gonna be the featured artist tonight and I'll be on TV next week." No one ever came in but the promoter saw my potential and continued to book me, haha... it also made for a great story!

Do you have a favorite song that you listen to on repeat, sing in the shower or cover at shows? 
I usually will hear a new song that I really like and listen to it a few times... I just love music and listen to so much of it that it's hard to pick one. I usually sing random songs in the shower like Outkast's 'So Fresh So Clean' or something weird, haha... I do sing 'Waiting for my Ruca' by Sublime a lot in the shower. When I'm playing gigs I don't really play that many covers unless it's like a 2 or 3 hour set. I'll usually play a bunch of Bob Marley, Sublime and hip hop covers that will get people singing... but sometimes I even throw some Matchbox 20 in there just to spice things up a bit!! When I'm playing shows where I just play my own stuff I do like to throw in Kendrick Lamar's 'Swimming Pools' in there. I've come up with a pretty cool cover of that, haha.

How did the small town life impact your music?
I believe that the music you write is influenced by your surroundings. Ruidoso is just such a chill place and so beautiful, I love it. I found peace in just walking around in the forest outside... it was inspirational. So no matter where I'm at, if I'm in a writer's block or something, I just wonder around outside and something eventually comes up.

How was playing in NYC different from playing in a small town like Ruidoso?
In Ruidoso you always saw a familiar face at your shows and it was cool but you never knew who was gonna be in the crowd in New York... it could be a bunch of your friends or a bunch of strangers. It's cool though because I love meeting new people and sharing my music with them.

What is the best piece of advice you've ever received?
"JUST DO IT" -- Shia Labeouf

What advice would you give others?
If you believe in yourself it will happen... stay positive and work towards your goals everyday. Write a song everyday, some of them will suck but you don't have to play it in front of anyone... eventually you're gonna write something that will blow everyone's minds. There's gonna be days where you feel like giving up... but don't!! You might be dropping a great record and then you end up having to pay two grand on repairs on your tour bus. Don't look at situations as if it's setting you back... it's pulling you back like a slingshot getting ready to soot you off somewhere amazing!!! You're gonna have to work a job you don't like, but don't worry, you don't belong there. That's not where you're meant to be. Your'e only there to make ends meet, but that doesn't mean you can't gain any wisdom and inspiration from there!! Find beauty in everything... and just be a cool person... don't be a shitty person, people don't like that, haha!!!

What are you working on right now?
I'm getting ready to release my first album called 'Love Your Life' on September 1st that will be available on iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud and everywhere else you can buy and download music online.

Where can we find you and your music?
You can follow me on Instagram and Twitter @jaesop_rock and stay updated on where I'm at and what I'm doing.

I highly recommend that you guys check out JJ's music. He's an amazing artist and songwriter that everyone should hear! He's original and a breath of fresh air. He is exactly what music needs right now!

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