Sunday, August 9, 2015

New and Exciting Future for the Retro Rambler

Alright guys, in order to explain how beautiful the opportunities are ahead of me, I need to break down a bit of what has happened so far. August sucks. Like, if I could sleep through August every year for the rest of my life, I'd gladly do so. This year has been extraordinarily hard. I am on the emotional roller coaster I am on every year at this time due to a quick succession of life shattering losses I had and now, on top of it, one of the things I thought was sound has been rocked. It's left me floating in uncertainty and it makes my stomach sick. But while crawling through this hopefully brief bout of darkness, I realized that I still have an outlet to reach to, cling to, during this time. So I used my aunt's advice... "WWTSD" which translates to What Would Taylor Swift Do... and I shook it off! ha. I know, really cheesy... but anyway... I shook off the negativity and looked at my blog. I thought "how in the world am I going to nurture this, grow it, make it all it can be?" and it came to me. It was in the form of a Tweet by a band on Twitter!

Now, before I go much further I want to mention that I am obsessive when it comes to music. I think in song lyrics most days and there is not a moment of my time that I don't either have music on or a song in stuck in my head. So when a band tweeted me and said they loved my blog and shared their song, I immediately listened. The song was outstanding! I was impressed to say the least. So I immediately told them that I loved it and would love to do an interview... and they said yes before I could fully comprehend what I had done. It was exhilarating! So on that successful high, I sent a request to the other artists that I follow/follow me on Twitter that stood out to me. I also sent messages to the batch of talent that my home town created. A week later I have the next 10 weeks booked with some outstanding singers, songwriters and bands! They are wonderful, unique, and super talented! I'm honored to share them with you.

Yesterday I was wracking my brain, trying to figure out how I was going to continue growing my blog and my mom gave me another wise piece of advise. She reminded me that the worst thing a person could say is "no" and that we have to take chances if we ever want to have extraordinary experiences. So I searched for two Project Runway contestants that had always stood out to me. One happened to be the sister of friends of mine from school and the other was from San Antonio. Both were strong women with unique and beautiful points of view. I found them both on Facebook and sent a message to them asking them if they'd be willing to be featured. I received messages from both saying that they would be willing to do it!

Starting this week, I have two interviews with Project Runway Alumni and many interviews with the talented artists I explained earlier. My mom was right (as always), it was worth the nerves and fear of rejection because now I have wonderful talent to share with you!

So on Wednesday, I am proud to announce, I will be sharing an interview with Samantha Plasencia, the young, innovative designer from season 13 of Project Runway! Friday I will be sharing an interview with the up and coming, super talented Aussie, Tori Forsyth! Both are young women with bright futures ahead of them who push their own boundaries in order to share their vision and voice with the world!They are role models in their fields for all women, reminding us that hard work and dedication can lead to wondrous things.

If the amount of exclamation points I used in this post doesn't express how excited I am, I'm not sure what else will, haha! I am thrilled an honored. And this is just the start... I have much more in store!

"Every decision leads somewhere... the excitement is watching what unfolds." 
-- Michael R. Krozer

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