Saturday, September 19, 2015

Interview with the Band KALIMUR

Today I have the honor of sharing an interview with the amazing band Kalimur! I first heard their music when they sent me a song on Twitter and I knew immediately that they were the real thing. Their song Thieves of the Night has become one of my all-time favorites! Their sound is smooth but strong, romantic and emotional! I'm over the moon to share them with you...

- Brett Steinberg is a singer/songwriter who has pursued 
music for over six years. For Brett it really is all about the music...and also the occasional scarf from H&M. He keeps his friend close, his conversations deep and his outlook positive. He pours his heart and soul into every song he writes and aspires to connect with listeners around the world.

Tyler - Tyler Berkich has been playing the bass since his elementary school years where his band instructor always told him he was being too loud. However Tyler continued cranking his amps and now is able to do what he loves without restraint. He enjoys piƱa coladas and getting caught in the rain. When he's not creating music Tyler can usually be found capturing the world through a lens, working out and occasionally (but hardly ever...seriously) watching romantic comedies.

Alex - What do you get when you add majestic hair and mind-blowing guitar shredding abilities? Alex Trouern-Trend. His musical journey began at a young age when his uncle gifted him his first guitar. From that moment on Alex and the instrument were virtually inseparable. When he isn't laying down licks for Kalimur he can be found (yes, with his guitar) in nature soaking in the serenity and watching birds with a trusty guidebook by his side.

Jonah - Drumming on anything and everything in sight including his siblings and the dinner table, Jonah's parents finally bought him a drum set when he was 9 years old. Self taught he has spent the next 10 years mastering his skills. Influenced by Led Zeppelin, Streetlight Manifesto and Cage the Elephant Jonah's drumming is eclectic mixture of rock, funk and blues. His musical appetite have led him to learn guitar for the purpose of song writing. In the brief moments when he is not drumming, Jonah can be found living his second life within the amazing world of Pokemon.

How did you all meet and what inspired you to become a band?
Brett and I met our freshman year at college, when I heard this awesome piano playing through the walls of my room. I went over and introduced myself and we chatted about music for awhile. We started playing open mic’s together with me accompanying him and then the idea of forming a band started to plant itself in our mind because we both realized how much we loved what we were doing. We met Alex at a friend of ours graduation party – we did the usual small talk and then didn’t speak for months. Until he saw Brett and I playing a show at our school, and was like “holy crap”. Then we proceeded to jam together and the chemistry was just there. Jonah saved our asses – he has known Alex for a very long time, and we had trouble finding a drummer and we had a big live show coming up. Jonah learned our songs in about a week and clicked with us really well. We killed the show, and the rest was history. As for our inspiration, there is something magical not just about music and what it can do, but creating music with other people. Where ideas are combined to form beautiful pieces. You push each other to your limits as a musician and grow from it. Music is our passion, and on top of that we are all good friends so there is no one I personally would rather be pursuing this with. -Tyler

What musicians do you guys admire? 
I myself admire Jeff Slicer, Josh Ramsay, Benjamin Burnley, and Adam Gontier. -Tyler

Please describe your musical journey so far.
Our musical journey has been a crazy one. As Kalimur, we have traveled through snow storms to make practices; been yelled at for playing too loud in dorm rooms; played to empty teen centers; driven hours across the north east to play as many shows as we could. But we released a full length album, and also put together a headlining show
and had a huge crowd come. It really has been a long journey so far but this is just the beginning. -Tyler

Do you have any funny anecdotes?
When recording our first record we recorded it in my bedroom. Around a week into tracking, the power on the wall that we plugged the computer, equipment, etc. into gave out. We ended up recording most of the record in the corner of my room where there was power. It was hilarious, claustrophobic, annoying and memorable, but it really helped us bond as a band. We would sing gang vocals together in this little nook in my room and would laugh about the absurdity of the situation after recording. -Brett

Do you have any favorite songs that you enjoy listening to on repeat, singing in the shower or covering? Or is there a song that has impacted the band more than any other?
The beauty of this day and age is you can find new music everywhere everyday, so I always have a new favorite song I'm singing in the shower! We just started covering "Love Song" by Sara Bareilles and that's been stuck in my head for a while - great song. Personally "Fix You" by Coldplay has always taken the number one spot when it comes to inspiration. The raw emotion and beauty within the simplicity has directed me as an artist - especially when starting out. As a band, the song "It's Time" by Imagine Dragons has always followed us through the good and the bad times. -Brett

What is the best piece of advise you've been given?
It's between "less is more" and "everything in moderation." Both are pretty common sayings and I'm not sure who specifically passed it down to me, but they are definitely good words to live by both as a musician and, more
importantly, as a person. -Brett

What advice would you give others?
I think that the majority of humanity is inspired by art in some form. Music is one of those artistic mediums that have a way of reaching our souls. My advice is that it’s never too late to become an artist. Many people seem to carry the notion that music becomes more and more out of reach as you age if you’ve yet to aspire towards learning how to create it. For those of you daydreaming about being able to play your favorite song, thinking, ‘I wish I could do that’, a change of mindset and a little perseverance is all that it takes to begin working towards an
incredibly rewarding skill. You can do it. -Alex

What are you currently working on?
Oh, we’ve been working… We headlined a show at a local music venue called The Space on August 8th and debuted a new song of ours, We can’t wait for you guys to hear it! -Alex

How would you describe your music to people?
Although our sound has evolved over the past few months, at the core is vocal-centric pop/rock lightly coated in blues and with deeply emotional and personal lyrics. This generalization represents the basics of the sound we introduced with our debut album “Ghosts We Used to Know”. Individually the songs stretch out to fill different dimensions of music, some even becoming seemingly polar opposites of each other. Take “Cards are Dealt Tonight”, a hard rock anthem with screaming guitars and desolate in emotion, and compare it with the consequent song on the album, “Second Guessing Games” a hushed and melodic piece that’s all about ‘the feels’.  In short, we play bluesy pop/rock. -Alex

Where can we find you and your music?
We’ve just about plastered our name all over the web.

Social Media





On the website there is a ‘Tour’ page that lists all of our future
shows. We’d love to see you guys in the near future!

[Photo credit: Paula Araujo]

Friday, August 28, 2015

Interview with singer/songwriter JJ WOOD!

I am thrilled about this weeks interview! I have had the pleasure of knowing this awesome guy for... oh geez, most of my life! I've had the amazing opportunity to have listened to his music grow over the years and I have been anticipating sharing his story! JJ's sound is chill, his voice smooth and he brings his great humor to everything he does. He's an outstanding talent and everyone needs to check it out!

JJ was born in Las Cruces, New Mexico but grew up in the small mountain town of Ruidoso, New Mexico. He played in a variety of places back home, coffee shops, bars, school talent shows and backyard house parties until he left for Oklahoma City in 2009. He's been on the move ever since, moving to New York City in 2014 where he played open mics, Irish pubs and anywhere else that would allow him to showcase his work. 
What inspired you to become a musician?
Since I can remember I've always had a song stuck in my head... when I was in the third grade my teacher was a blues musician who had us singing and stuff all the time. I met my best friend in that class who's dad is a well known musician around the area and he taught us our first chords on the guitar when we were about 12 or 13. We played in a couple bands throughout our school years as well as doing musical theatre, but after I graduated high school I realized I wanted to continue to pursue writing and performing my own music.

What musicians do you admire and why?
I admire so many but I would say Bob Marley for one... he has written timeless music that still continues to live today and just the type of person he was, what he did for the world through the message of his music was incredible. Brad Nowell from Sublime is one of my all time favorites... I've always loved their tunes and how they built their legacy. Also Johnny Polygon... his live shows are incredible and his songs will always pull me out of a funk and put me in a better mood. he also has a real cool way of being an independent artist and making moves without a major record label... and he treats his fans the best. Ed Sheeran as well, I love his voice and his songwriting. I would love to just chill and have a couple beers with him and talk about life, haha.

Can you please tell me about your musical journey so far? 
It's been a wild ride so far, haha... I'm constantly moving around and meeting cool and talented people that always inspire me to try new things and grow as an artist. I've gone from playing in small coffee shops and bars to 6 people, to playing in front of 5,000... opening up for bands that I frequently listen to, to playing in front of the New York State Senator and the mayor of New York.It's been wild and I never know what the next call is gonna bring but I'm always stoked to play anywhere and continue going through new life experiences that inspire me to write amazing songs. 

Any funny stories (that you're willing to share) that happened during this journey?
I was playing this show in New York and it was kinda slow and not many people were there so I stood outside and tried to get people to come in but everybody just thought I was trying to ask for money or something and just ignored me, so I started saying "Hey, I'm JJ from VH1." People would immediately stop and listen "We are trying an experiment and trying to get people to come to shows without using social media or anything and just hit the streets and talk to people like the old days... I'm gonna be the featured artist tonight and I'll be on TV next week." No one ever came in but the promoter saw my potential and continued to book me, haha... it also made for a great story!

Do you have a favorite song that you listen to on repeat, sing in the shower or cover at shows? 
I usually will hear a new song that I really like and listen to it a few times... I just love music and listen to so much of it that it's hard to pick one. I usually sing random songs in the shower like Outkast's 'So Fresh So Clean' or something weird, haha... I do sing 'Waiting for my Ruca' by Sublime a lot in the shower. When I'm playing gigs I don't really play that many covers unless it's like a 2 or 3 hour set. I'll usually play a bunch of Bob Marley, Sublime and hip hop covers that will get people singing... but sometimes I even throw some Matchbox 20 in there just to spice things up a bit!! When I'm playing shows where I just play my own stuff I do like to throw in Kendrick Lamar's 'Swimming Pools' in there. I've come up with a pretty cool cover of that, haha.

How did the small town life impact your music?
I believe that the music you write is influenced by your surroundings. Ruidoso is just such a chill place and so beautiful, I love it. I found peace in just walking around in the forest outside... it was inspirational. So no matter where I'm at, if I'm in a writer's block or something, I just wonder around outside and something eventually comes up.

How was playing in NYC different from playing in a small town like Ruidoso?
In Ruidoso you always saw a familiar face at your shows and it was cool but you never knew who was gonna be in the crowd in New York... it could be a bunch of your friends or a bunch of strangers. It's cool though because I love meeting new people and sharing my music with them.

What is the best piece of advice you've ever received?
"JUST DO IT" -- Shia Labeouf

What advice would you give others?
If you believe in yourself it will happen... stay positive and work towards your goals everyday. Write a song everyday, some of them will suck but you don't have to play it in front of anyone... eventually you're gonna write something that will blow everyone's minds. There's gonna be days where you feel like giving up... but don't!! You might be dropping a great record and then you end up having to pay two grand on repairs on your tour bus. Don't look at situations as if it's setting you back... it's pulling you back like a slingshot getting ready to soot you off somewhere amazing!!! You're gonna have to work a job you don't like, but don't worry, you don't belong there. That's not where you're meant to be. Your'e only there to make ends meet, but that doesn't mean you can't gain any wisdom and inspiration from there!! Find beauty in everything... and just be a cool person... don't be a shitty person, people don't like that, haha!!!

What are you working on right now?
I'm getting ready to release my first album called 'Love Your Life' on September 1st that will be available on iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud and everywhere else you can buy and download music online.

Where can we find you and your music?
You can follow me on Instagram and Twitter @jaesop_rock and stay updated on where I'm at and what I'm doing.

I highly recommend that you guys check out JJ's music. He's an amazing artist and songwriter that everyone should hear! He's original and a breath of fresh air. He is exactly what music needs right now!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Quick and easy Jamaican Jerk Chicken and Coconut Rice

In honor of the amazing interview with an outstanding Reggae singer we have on Friday, I decided to share one of my favorite recipes! My mom used to make this for the family when we were kids and it has become one of my go-to comfort foods. Jamaican Jerk chicken with coconut rice is spicy yet there's a hint of sweetness that really elevates it. 

skinless chicken, boiled and deboned 
chicken stock (saved from boiled chicken) 
Jamaican jerk seasoning, to taste 
coconut milk 

 Cut chicken into small pieces. Combine chicken, 3T. chicken stock and 1t. jerk seasoning in a covered casserole. Stir and microwave. Add more seasoning as desired. Get it good and hot in microwave. Make rice with a small portion of your water (about 2T) and replace the rest of the water you'd normally use with coconut milk. 

 *tip! Coconut milk can be frozen for later use

As you can see, this recipe is quick and easy! A great meal after a long day at work! Enjoy!

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Interview with the Australian Alternative Country singer TORI FORSYTH

I am a huge Stevie Nicks fan. So when I heard Tori Forsyth's unique, earthy, powerful cover of Rhiannon I was hooked! I looked into her music further and found that everything she does is amazing! I reached out to her about an interview and was fortunate that she said yes. I am honored to introduce to you... Tori Forsyth!

Tell us about yourself...
My name is Tori, I'm from the Hunter Valley Australia and I am an Alternative Country and Roots singer/songwriter!

What inspired you to become a musician?
Whether my dad was singing Elvis or my mum was blaring the 1997 Fleetwood Mac concert DVD, music was always around me and an outlet for me. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't until recently that my own music actually left the comfort of my bedroom. My inspiration to do music is probably the people around me who forced me to get over my fears and share my music with the world, I owe them all a lot. 

What musicians do you admire? Why?
Stevie Nicks taught me so much as a child and is still teaching me as a musician. Melanie Saftka made me fall in love with folk music and that's had a huge influence on my sound. Johnny Cash taught me how to tell a story. Dixie Chicks just made me fall in love with country music. Lastly, Kacey Musgraves taught me that my music doesn't have to appeal to everyone.

Can you tell me the story of your musical journey?
The idea of singing in front of people gave me nerves from hell as a kid. I've been having singing lessons since I was 13 and my singing teacher would always try to get me involved in studio concerts but I think in my head I would talk myself into being sick or finding a way out because I was just so nervous, the odd one I would do I loved it though as much as it terrified me. This went on for years until I reached a point where I was doing things that weren't making me happy and the only thing that did was me singing in my bedroom or in the car or whatever. So I had an opportunity to completely focus on my music and it has literally changed my life, and here I am. 

Do you have a favorite song that you love to listen to on repeat, sing in the shower or cover? Or maybe a song that has impacted you more than any other?
I think I've listened to Edge of 17 by Stevie Nicks over 2 million times, my feel good song and gets me through any rough day.

What are you working on right now?
Right now I am working on my EP and recording in September. I am super duper excited and have some incredible people working on it with me. It's called "Black Bird" and will probably be released late October or early November. Keep a look out!

What is the best advice you were ever given?
All over my mirror I have my favorite affirmations and two of them are:
"I am committed to my goals and embrace uncertainty" -- Leon Nacson
"I have the ability to accomplish any task I set my mind to with ease and comfort" -- Wayne W. Dyer

They aren't advice as such but they are what get me through every day; especially when I have doubts about anything to do with my music.

What advice would you give others?
I'm still learning and growing as an artist so I'm not exactly a wise old owl in this area haha, but I would tell anyone who's in a similar position I was that, it does get easier and if you love it enough, don't wait; just do it and throw yourself into it as soon as you can.

Where can we find you and your music? 
Instagram: (@toriforsythmusic)

There is one thing I look for in a new artist, uniqueness. I want to hear someone sing with passion, with heart... and that's what Tori gives. With every note she hits, she pulls at your emotions and does so with finesse and an earthiness that gives me chills. When I found out that she admired Stevie Nicks, Johnny Cash, the Dixie Chicks and Kacey Musgraves it all clicked. She is an original and just like those artists did, she pushes through the stereotype of her genre and paves her own way. It's refreshing! Be sure to be on the lookout for her album "Blackbird" and follow her on social media to hear her wonderful covers!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Interview with Project Runway Fashion Designer - Samantha Plasencia

Bold, edgy and innovative are just three ways to describe the magnificent designs by Samantha Plasencia. This amazing talent has graciously allowed us to share in her story. You know Samantha from Lifetime's Project Runway. She got her start in San Antonio, TX and is now making her mark in the artsy city of Austin, TX. 

 Tell me about yourself... 
"My name is Samantha Plasencia. I'm 29 years old and currently reside in Austin, TX."

What inspired your love for fashion?
"It's something I've always enjoyed, being creative, standing out and doing your own thing."

Are there any designers that you admire? Who and why?
"I love McQueen and the story he tells. Fashion was more about art and that's what I love. I've currently started to do more RTW (ready to wear) which can cater to a wider audience. Alexander Wang has a unique style that I love. His runway shows are great, tell a story, but are not over the top."

Can you tell me a bit about your journey in fashion?
"I started sewing and learning design when I started college at 17. I was young and just dove in. I ended up having the best sewing and construction by the time we presented our collections our senior year. they gave out awards and showed my hard work and dedication paid off."

How do you describe your style?
"I love to do street wear that is still feminine. So you could wear sneakers or boots with the look and transition even into heels if you wanted. I focus on black and white with sometimes a pop of color."

Where do you find the most inspiration?
"I normally just come up with ideas on the random. I'm not one to just step outside or go to the park to get an idea.

Can you tell me a bit about your experience on Project Runway?
"Project Runway was great of course! I met some talented people and learned a lot while being there."

What has changed since the show?
"Since the show I've had more projects, shows and events so it keeps me busy and meeting new people all the time which I love."

What is the best advice you've received?
"Ask for forgiveness, not permission. Ken Downing told me that when I worked at Neimans in the visual department, it just stuck."

What advice would you give others?
"Always go after the things you dream and want. Hard work and dedication always win in the end. Also, to make a difference. Help, inspire, mentor!"

What are you currently working on?
"I'm currently working on an extension to my S/S 2015 collection to show in Austin on the 22nd. After that I will be in Santa Fe showing my Fall 2015 collection. When I get home I'll be working on my S/S 2016 collection for its debut in San Antonio in November. Also hats, the list goes on. Hope to see you there!"

Where can people find you and your work?
"My website is; links to my online shop are there and you can also like my fan page to keep up with fashion updates from events and shows at

Be sure and show her some love. Her work speaks for itself and we're honored to be able to showcase her as this weeks feature designer!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

New and Exciting Future for the Retro Rambler

Alright guys, in order to explain how beautiful the opportunities are ahead of me, I need to break down a bit of what has happened so far. August sucks. Like, if I could sleep through August every year for the rest of my life, I'd gladly do so. This year has been extraordinarily hard. I am on the emotional roller coaster I am on every year at this time due to a quick succession of life shattering losses I had and now, on top of it, one of the things I thought was sound has been rocked. It's left me floating in uncertainty and it makes my stomach sick. But while crawling through this hopefully brief bout of darkness, I realized that I still have an outlet to reach to, cling to, during this time. So I used my aunt's advice... "WWTSD" which translates to What Would Taylor Swift Do... and I shook it off! ha. I know, really cheesy... but anyway... I shook off the negativity and looked at my blog. I thought "how in the world am I going to nurture this, grow it, make it all it can be?" and it came to me. It was in the form of a Tweet by a band on Twitter!

Now, before I go much further I want to mention that I am obsessive when it comes to music. I think in song lyrics most days and there is not a moment of my time that I don't either have music on or a song in stuck in my head. So when a band tweeted me and said they loved my blog and shared their song, I immediately listened. The song was outstanding! I was impressed to say the least. So I immediately told them that I loved it and would love to do an interview... and they said yes before I could fully comprehend what I had done. It was exhilarating! So on that successful high, I sent a request to the other artists that I follow/follow me on Twitter that stood out to me. I also sent messages to the batch of talent that my home town created. A week later I have the next 10 weeks booked with some outstanding singers, songwriters and bands! They are wonderful, unique, and super talented! I'm honored to share them with you.

Yesterday I was wracking my brain, trying to figure out how I was going to continue growing my blog and my mom gave me another wise piece of advise. She reminded me that the worst thing a person could say is "no" and that we have to take chances if we ever want to have extraordinary experiences. So I searched for two Project Runway contestants that had always stood out to me. One happened to be the sister of friends of mine from school and the other was from San Antonio. Both were strong women with unique and beautiful points of view. I found them both on Facebook and sent a message to them asking them if they'd be willing to be featured. I received messages from both saying that they would be willing to do it!

Starting this week, I have two interviews with Project Runway Alumni and many interviews with the talented artists I explained earlier. My mom was right (as always), it was worth the nerves and fear of rejection because now I have wonderful talent to share with you!

So on Wednesday, I am proud to announce, I will be sharing an interview with Samantha Plasencia, the young, innovative designer from season 13 of Project Runway! Friday I will be sharing an interview with the up and coming, super talented Aussie, Tori Forsyth! Both are young women with bright futures ahead of them who push their own boundaries in order to share their vision and voice with the world!They are role models in their fields for all women, reminding us that hard work and dedication can lead to wondrous things.

If the amount of exclamation points I used in this post doesn't express how excited I am, I'm not sure what else will, haha! I am thrilled an honored. And this is just the start... I have much more in store!

"Every decision leads somewhere... the excitement is watching what unfolds." 
-- Michael R. Krozer

Sunday, August 2, 2015

End of Summer Party Decor Tips and Tricks

I realized that I jumped the gun a bit last week and dove straight into school without addressing one of my favorite events of the year... the end-of-summer party! I'm so ashamed that I forgot something so important, haha! So I'd like to take this week to focus on my perfect party! Well, it's perfect to me... it incorporates some retro love, delicious food and super fabulous music. What more can a girl ask for? With Labor Day creeping up on us, its time to start the fun, yet sometimes difficult task of planning.

I'll be honest with you, it took me hours to figure out what I wanted to do for my party. I have a million theme ideas floating around in my head but my sister finally set me straight. She reminded me that summer in and of itself is a theme worthy for an all out bash and there's no reason to restrict myself with the boundaries of a theme. Keeping that in mind I set out to find the decor, menu and music that touched my soul and made me truly happy. Today I have decided to give you some tips and tricks to finding the perfect decor for you!

The first and most important trick I have found for decorating your space for the party is to pick your favorite color or colors. This helps you in so many ways. First of all, the color sets the mood. Let's say for instance your favorite color is navy. Traditionally navy is used for very sophisticated, sharp design. Or maybe your favorite color is peach. Peach lends well to a more rustic, vintage feel. Picking a color can also help you nail down details like the time of day to host your party. Navy would make a stunning evening setting and peach just feels right for an afternoon kind of gathering. My favorite color is... anything pastel! So as you can see, I used pastels to move my choices in the right direction.

Picking out decorations seems to be the most trying task. You have to find the tablecloth that matches the plates, that match the cups, which match the napkins and the spoons! Don't forget that they all need to coordinate with the hanging decor and the tabletop! It can be overwhelming when you don't know where to start. This is why I A) pick the color first and B) find a picture or object as my inspiration. Again, a theme is not necessary here but an inspiration piece helps you focus on what you want out of the decor! Keep it fun and flirty. Also, you'd be amazed at the wonderful products you can find on sites like It allows you to find original items that no one else will have at their party!

Now, my biggest tip is to do what you love. I know it sounds cliche but its true. If you are designing \your party with things you love, the creative energy will flow much easier!